​Bennington Community Association
29 Goodport Ln, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
(301) 977-3376
Meet the Members of the Board
The Board is made up of dedicated community residents who discuss and vote on matters within the neighborhood. The Board meets monthly to discuss progress of current projects and events, new ideas, and other matters related to living in this neighborhood. Read on to learn more about our Board Members!

Carla Johnson
Carla has lived in Bennington since 2002 and has been the Community Administrator since 2003. She and her husband, Vincent, have enjoyed living in this wonderful neighborhood and raising their 2 (now adult) children.

Sharon Freedman
Board Member/ARC
I joined the Board in 2018. I moved into Bennington in August, 1973; I am one of the original homeowners of this community. The only childhood home my two adult daughters know is Bennington. Over the years, I have served as the Bennington Brownie troop leader, Chairman of the Hospitality Committee and Chairman of the ARC Committee. In February, 2022 I successfully completed the training, Community Governance Fundamentals for Board Directors, taught by Montgomery County Commission on Common Ownership Communities. Many, many changes have occurred in Bennington over the past 50 years but I still love living here. I joined the Board so others can enjoy the community as I have.

Cathi Breza
Board Member
Cathi moved to Bennington in 2005 and was immediately welcomed by friendly, caring neighbors. In fact, when looking for a home, what made the choice easy was watching how neighbors on the block greeted and helped each other. She's appreciated raising her son here, and enjoys being involved in the community. Cathi and her dog Cosmo can often be seen walking all over Bennington, "meeting other dog owners and volunteering are some of the best ways to meet your neighbors!"

Jan Erickson

Monica Marquina
Board Consultant

Pete Atta
Vice President

Adam Wohl
Board Member

Audra Richmond
Audra and her family moved to Bennington in 2007, where she and her husband, Nathan, have enjoyed raising their two sons in this warm and active community. She joined the Board in November of 2021 and has thoroughly enjoyed serving the community in a variety of ways.
Stephen Escobar
Board Member

Board Member
Would you like to join the board? We would love to have you!
Board Member